Tuesday, 25 September 2012


First select rock texture (Layer 1)

Type Text (Layer 2)

To get here. (Layer 2 copy)
Hold Command & Click T at the Layers collumn.
Then highlight Layer 2. 
Command copy.
New layer. Command V.

Copy Text layer and paste in new layer.

What it looks like with texture layer.

 Command C Layer 2 copy.
Command v.
Adjust Layer - move lower.
Image --> Adjustment --> Brightness
Make it darker.
Go back to Layer 2 copy. 
Adjust brightness. Make it brighter.

Go to Layer 2. 
At the bottom of Layer column click fx.
Select drop shadow and make adjustments. 

Monday, 24 September 2012


Blending in Photoshop
Need more practice


Blending in Photoshop
Tyra Banks
No offence Tyra Banks.. this is class exercise!!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


First try out. 

Class Exercise 2

Twin tower
Command A --> Q --> Shift + Delete
Lasso tool trace --> delete
Lasso Tool (click once) --> hold option --> pull = straight line
Google sky Large size 
Edit --> Paste Special --> Paste Into
Scale (command T) --> Finish

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Name Card & Logo Design

Getting to know the tools in Adobe Illustrator.
Trying out shapes and Font.
Name Card Design 90mm x 50mm.
Logo Design.
Created using Adobe Illustrator.
Name Card Design 90mm x 50mm.
Create using Adobe Illustrator.

Doodling with Adobe lllustrator.
Say hi to my imaginary friend =]
Looks like a new type of pokemon.
Experimenting with the star shapes.
Creating Logos.

Tracing images

Yesterday we were taught how to use path links to trace the apple to cut it out from the rest of the picture.

The left penguin doesn't have it's feet because in the original picture the feet was hidden behind some rocks. Not a very good picture to take from the internet.